A foot care nurse?
A podiatric nurse is a qualified healthcare professional trained to assess the condition of your feet. She offers customized therapeutic care, provides personalized follow-up and, if necessary, refers you to another specialist.
podiatric care
Health check: $15 (15 minutes)
- Medical history
- Foot examination
- Sensory foot examination
- Shoe evaluation
- Orthotic evaluation
Le Global: $80 (45 to 60 minutes)
- Nail trimming, filing, thinning and reshaping
- Cleansing of grooves
- Keratosis reduction (corns, calluses, cracks, partridge eyes, calluses)
- Skin sanding
- Application of massage cream
Maintenance: $55 (30 minutes)
- Plus health check fee for file opening
- Trimming of normal nails only, filing of sharp angles and finishing polish
Sérénité: $60 (maximum 30 minutes, additional fees may apply)
- Plus health assessment fee to open a file
- Keratosis reduction (corns, cracks, calluses, partridge eyes, calluses)
- Ingrown toenail (copoline)
- Plantar wart treatment
added values
Intensive moisturizing treatment with booties: $20 with treatment (15 minutes)
Booties with intensive moisturizing, soothing and relaxing treatment.
Exfoliating treatment: $10 with treatment (10 minutes +/- )
Smoothes, polishes, softens and nourishes skin. Helps eliminate dead cells that cause calluses and roughness.
Kerosene ritual : $45 (30 minutes)
Ideal for deeply nourishing, soothing and protecting your skin.